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Хэрэгтэй санагдаад хуулав: 10 Psychological Tricks To Get Her To Like You.

Hey If you are single and trying to finding a girlfriend so you are at the right place where i’m gonna tell you that 10 psychological ways to get a girl to like you first off I want to say that these are ethical and aren’t manipulative but will in the end make a girl subconsciously be attracted to and want to be around you.
#1. Have Your Own life. (Ѳѳрийн гэсэн амьдралтай бай)
This is like literally the foundation of starting a great relationship and will give you the starting base to make her like you. Think of it like this if someone tries to sell you amazing new book with all kinds of secret life formulas that will make you rich happy get a six pack in 3 days and become a new world leader in the marketing and packaging of the book looks great but then you open it and read it and all it says is life is short you don’t need these things to buy more books for better advice when you’re trying to get a relationship or make a girl like you and you have a boring life this is literally what you’re doing. Imagine having an amazing life and doing awesome things that you say hey girl I really like having you around you want to stick around and that’s all it takes to make your own personal life interesting and girls will flock.
#2. Have Great Hygiene. (Маш цэвэрч бай)
Number one tip to instantly make a girl attracted smell good I don’t even mean smell amazing you just have to smell decent go take a shower or a body soap all over you twice shampoo your hair dry yourself off apply good deodorant put clean clothes on in your set. No need to douse yourself with half a gallon of Axe body spray. You just have to smell presentable you can tho by some cologne and spray one squirt two squirts max. I recommend one on the wrist and one near your neckline this is all it takes the smell great and girls fall for great swelling guys all the time.
#3. Have An Interesting Hobby Or Passion. (Ямар нэгэн сонирхолтой зүйл, хобби эсвэл хүсэл тэмүүлэлтэй бай)
Here’s another super interesting tip that is hard to find elsewhere on the internet literally having just one passion will make you see more interesting plus it adds respect to tip number one. you’re starting your own life your hobby can be anything that you’re passionate about just make sure it’s true passion and not faked. if I said I love chainsaws and carving chainsaw art in my free time but I actually didn’t the sparkle wouldn’t be there in the girl won’t see it. when you are actually passionate about something your girl will notice there’s something infinitely sexy about a guy with an intense passion towards something it could be programming, motorcycling, cooking, drawing, reading, playing an instrument and anything else that suits your fancy just put in the time bonus point to be creating something in the process.
#4. Ask Her To Do Things For You. (Түүнээс ямар нэгэн зүйл гуй)
So, This is definitely a secret tip and maybe even a bit manipulative but definitely not anything evil or negative. Just ask her to do something for you there’s a psychological effect called the Benjamin Franklin effect that goes like this. You ask a girl to do something for you she does it and in the end, she subconsciously likes you just a bit more. You might be asking why though well when we do stuff for people our brain thinks since we’re doing something for them we must like them. Now Benjamin Franklin uses techniques on his rivals and political opponents to get them to like more also there’s something called the consistency bias. After someone has done something for you a couple of times they’re more likely to do more just because they don’t want to look inconsistent tip ask for things like picking up a pencil for notes in class giving someone a paper or even small errands but don’t overdo it though where she’ll feel like you’re using her.
#5. Make Her Laugh. (Түүнийг инээлгэ)
Image Credit: Google Search
This is a great tip and you may not think you’re funny but the truth is everyone can be funny if they try. You have to put yourself in enough situations to get used to the opportunist of telling an unfunny joke enough that you have the confidence to tell more jokes around people the more you tell the better you will get girls to love laughing and the more that you can make them laugh the higher up in their social change you will seem it proves that you’re intellectually strong and humerus which is a desirable trait and future mate. Also, this will give you the chance to see where her eyes are going whatever she laughs to see if she’s interested in you at all.
#6. Be Her Friend. (Найз нь бай)
There’s a big difference between being her friend and being a friend zone. Also, I want to note it’s been proven and totally acceptable to be in the friend zone for months at a time and then move in and start dating. So go the extra mile and do stuff that makes her smile do things that other guys wouldn’t do. Stuff like leaving little notes in her car send her good morning text talking through problems and sympathize with her. In fact, in doing these you’re practically halfway already dating her you just have to tell her that you wanted for the rest of your life in your basically set.
#7. Break The Touch Barrier. (Биед хүрэх ханыг эвд)
Here’s a good subconscious psychological hit that works amazingly well in many situations. Touch your shoulder ask her for something and grab it out of her hand or make up some game that requires the touch and plays with her like rock-paper-scissors come up with a cool handshake if you have to. The idea is to make her know that you’re willing to touch her in a non-sexual way because you feel comfortable around her and to get a reaction. If she seems disgusted or scared don’t touch her anymore.
#8. Tell Her Secrets. (Түүнд нууцаасаа хэл)
Tell her secret about you something personal that not very many people know this will open the door for trust and as you tell her more things about you she will notice that you trust her and in turn, she will trust you more. Psychologically we like and trust people who trust us first because we have a natural instinct to be wary of new people and not to trust them so when you prove that you trust her she will start to reciprocate in the same fashion and I recommend telling her secrets that you’d be okay with other people knew just in case she tell someone but make sure their personal and make sure they would be considered a secret.
#9. Give Her All Of Your Attention. (Бүх анхаарлаа түүнд хандуул)
In a world where your attention can go anywhere, it is one of the most valuable things you can give a girl. if you want her to pay attention to her and not just for a couple of minutes look her in the eyes when she’s talking to you and make mental note of all this up she’s talking about if you can mention it in later conversations so feel special and start to enjoy your presence this works with anyone.
#10. Beef Up Your Confidence Game. (Ѳѳртѳѳ итгэлтэй байдлаа нэмэгдүүл, ѳѳрийгѳѳ хѳгжүүл)
This is a lot to do with being self-aware and knowing what makes you awkward and insecure and working on yourself and improving this to become more secure and confident. who you are as a person the best general advice I can give you to become more confident and make a girl like you is to work out regularly if you’re in middle school or high school I suggest three days a week arms legs and core / cardio now near the end of high school and during college you can get into more advanced schedule and supplements.